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We're here to change that..

We’re losing young talent to an expensive education system that excludes diversity...

We support diverse and under represented young talent to get employment within the UK creative industry

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We are a charity that exists to support diverse underrepresented talent get the opportunity to work in one of the many creative departments across the uk creative industries.

We do this in many different ways

We provide introductions to the variety of creative disciplines across the creative sector through the annual careers fair at the uk creative festival


We fund travel and sustenance for the attending aspiring young creatives to the uk creative festival and our careers fair.


We run an annual 16 week creative mentor programme for aspiring young creatives


We connect you to a series of online tutorials and webinars to help aspiring young creatives identify the disciplines best suited to their abilities and creative interests


We introduce young creatives to creative companies to gain work inductions or work experience and we share every opportunity we find out about with the local community of young people


We provide young creatives with support for their course fees and maintenance while attending college 

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The creative foundation is supported by: 

The creative circle pledging 10% of every award entry fee.

The creative circle pledging 100% of every membership fee.

The creative circle pledging 100% of its sponsorship fees.

The uk creative festival pledges to share the profits from the festival with the foundation.

Leading creative companies pledging financial support of foundation futures mentoring scheme.

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